How a major publishing company increased profitability by adopting digital printing
Al-Omeira is a printing and publishing company based in Dubai. They chose to purchase a Xerox-3100 from CAD Reprographics. Within a span of six months, Al-Omeira obtained an exclusive contract from the First Gulf Bank of Abu Dhabi, to handle the Bank’s entire printing verticals.
As a result, Al-Omeira also purchased the Novera and Xerox-2600, to print the marketing collaterals for the Bank. The Bank also commissioned an Iridis, an eight-colour printing machine. The Iridis has the ability to print metallic colours such as gold and silver, as well as print in clear shades if necessary. The purchase of the Iridis enabled the bank to expand into the printing of cheques for customers.
Al-Omeira, the original buyer, has been able to expand into the world of security printing, an entirely new vertical, due to the purchase of three machines. Now, Al-Omeira handles the printing of passports and visas for the French Embassy, a contract obtained by their switch to digital printing.
Saves time, money, and efficiency
Both companies formerly utilized offset printing presses. While offset printing presses are effective and can be done very cheaply in the case of huge printing volumes. However, it is becoming common to print medium-sized batches of collaterals instead of the massive volumes that necessitated offset printers. The world of digital printing enables a person to design their printing layout and print the collaterals quickly.
Al-Omeira and the First Gulf Bank both switched to digital printing, and as a result, there has been a massive savings made in their time, cost, and a deep increase in their operational efficiency.
The increase in turnaround time as a result of purchasing a digital printer has allowed them to schedule more time for other important business functions.
World over, people are switching to digital printing. New machines are coming up, which enable people to print in more colours. In an offset production printer, you can only print in four colours — Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (CMYK). New digital printing machines allow a fifth colour- such as gold, metallic or clear. visit :